Saturday, April 6, 2013

Tarzan Pools and MC Krauts.

I went on a hike today with my P.E. class...just to Tarzan Pools, which is a hike I have done before (and the only hike I have been able to go on) so I was happy to know that I would be able to do the hike, but damn. I have got to get my fat ass into better shape.  I have no problem doing the hikes, but my back hurts a lot when we have the steep inclines to go up and it is really bothersome.  Physically I am not exhausted or anything like that, my stupid back just hurts because it is stupid and fractured.

I have done nothing else all day.  I did eat. At a place called MC Krauts, and it was delicious. They're motto is "it's not healthy, but it's good" and indeed that is the truth.

My P.E. instructor, Reggie Cruz, myself and Linda.
This was a small bridge that just basically closes a large gap between two valleys.

Part of the view from the bridge. On my first hike to Tarzan Pools, I did not take this way, so this was a new experience and it was gorgeous.  According to my ALWAYS reliable P.E. instructor, the metal bridge was constructed by ancient Chamorros using tractors, who then hid the tractors deep in the jungles of Guam to avoid their discovery by the Spanish invaders.  This is why you see so many of the wild tractor tires that graze high in the valleys.  Sadly, no photos of the wild tires were taken.

The class

It was a good day.

I really wanted to see Jurassic Park 3D, but I don't think that dream is going to come true tonight. But if someone would like to make that dream come true, I would be eternally grateful.

For the remainder of the day, I will probably watch videos on YouTube, since that is the only way I can watch television in the comfort of my room since I lack a wireless connection in there.  I can't explain how awful this internet is on Guam, its like 1996 all over again and you are waiting for the dial up to connect and while you are waiting, you cook dinner, wash the dishes, take a shower, and finish a movie and then spend 10 minutes looking at Geocities before calling it a night.  I am getting old and I don't know how to feel about this.  

Also, Discovery Channel and Investigate Discovery; you make me angry.  I am in the UNITED STATES, I am not in international waters or a foreign country.  I am in a territory of the USA, which apparently to you, means that I am in a foreign country.. so frustrating.

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