Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fujita, like fajita, only when pronounced incorrectly.

Went to Fujita beach today after eating some delicious Jamaican Grill lunch.  Mailie brought along Monkey.  I did not play with Monkey. 

Spending the day at the beach is obviously a better alternative than doing homework.  Uploading and writing about my day is always a much more productive use of my time.  My water proof camera has proven itself to be a most excellent investment and I can now finally take an inane amount of photos and not have to worry about dropping my iPhone in the ocean or a toilet.

Mailie and I floating around with Monkey.

We stopped at a little convenience store that caters to tourist and I found these sunglasses, because I am an adult, I was unable to say no to them because they are adorable and every adult women who is functioning at a full adult level deserves to have adorable sunglasses that have a bow and kitty whiskers.
Said adult then deserves to wear  them while taking photos in and under the water during the afternoon.

Getting salt water up your nose is an unpleasant feeling, but not quite as unpleasant as using a netty pot.

Trying to time photos when you can not open your eyes under water is difficult.

I kept stepping on sea cucumbers.  According to Paolo, this made me a murderer.  It is practically impossible to NOT step on sea cucumbers in the ocean here.  Everywhere you go there are sea cucumbers with a death wish.

A failed attempt to take a photo of ourselves from under the water.

Sibyl learning to paddle board.

Another failed attempt at a photo from underwater.

Paolo pretending to deep sea dive, he doesn't know how to swim...but he does, so I don't know why he says he can't?

Kat paddle boarding, she was not planning on getting wet.  This plan failed.

Paolo is not capable of making a normal face and that is ok, because I do the same thing.

Apparently I am a monster.

This is Fujita beach.

This is me paddle boarding in the ocean.

More paddle boarding action. Yay!

I was able to stand, kneel, and then lie down on the paddle board without falling down.  I was quite pleased with myself.  You should all be proud of me.

More kneeling on the paddle board, kneeling is so much fun!

Once again, Paolo making faces at the camera.

It took skill to pose for this photo.  Paolo finally smiled.

This is a sea cucumber, not a sea turd.

A majestic parting of the clouds.  I would have expected the sky to start raining puppies and glitter. 

The great seaweed war on the shores of Fujita beach, 2013.

Pretty Ladies on a pretty day.
One should be advised that the beautiful structure behind us and in other photos is not a home, it is a church where Japanese tourists come to have "American" weddings.  And by "American" I mean, grossly extravagant with multiple costume changes by the bride and grooms wearing splendid white tuxedos.  Japanese people like "American" weddings.

Next on our list of things to do: Eat at Sharky's, because all we do on this island is eat and I just keep getting fatter.  Seriously island of Guam, STOP FEEDING ME.  Your food is like an explosion of delicious in my mouth and it is in no way an explosion of healthy!

Sharky's has the cutest paper towels of all time.  The other thing it said was "I'm happy, I'm happy, I'm happy."  It was adorable.

Jarrett blamed his actions on his hunger.

A Mexican always hungers.

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