Sunday, April 7, 2013

Onward Beach Resort

This was part of my spring break.  I am finally getting around to posting the photos because I am lazy...but mainly because I have actually been busy doing everything but my damn homework.  I promise I will get around to doing my homework.  At some point.  

On Good Friday I went to Onward Beach Resort.  Sun and waterslides, it was wonderful. 

Apparently when you live on Guam for an extended period of time, you adjust to the weather, so wearing a hooded sweatshirt in 85 degree weather is totally acceptable.
The slight breeze was making me chilly.

This was the the crazy water slide, the Manta.  It was terrifying.  Its almost a straight drop down.  I refused to sit in the front of the tube, but I was forced and I was begging my friends to let me sit in back, the lifeguard  said "too late" and kicked us down.

Japanese tourists really like this.

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