Saturday, March 30, 2013

Rock Island.

I went to karaoke and as always, I embarrassed myself, because that is what I am most excellent at doing.
Choice quotes from the evening: A lady never sweats.  
I can't think or remember any other choice quotes from the evening.  I may have been too intoxicated and just didn't realize it.

I should not be allowed to drink vodka redbulls.  I am fairly certain I now have an irregular heartbeat.

 I get way into my karaoke even though I am the worst singer ever.  All the other ladies are fantastic singers and I sounded ike a wounded water buffalo..I've never actually heard one before, but I'm assuming my singing voice is similar to the sound a water buffalo would make while in pain.

There is video, but I have not yet been privy to the audio/visual portion of the evening.  


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