Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hafa Adai and Welcome to Guam.

Today we went to Hagåtña and went shopping at Ross..its like a strip mall and it is full of little shops and kiosks.  Joan (NSE coordinator) showed me the Hello Kitty shop... I basically died and went to heaven.  We also stopped at Wendy's because I love a good frosty and there was a frozen yogurt shop, it had an interesting selection of flavors like lychee fruit with blueberry and blood orange.  

I will definitely need to go there go again.

Speaking of food, grocery shopping is quite the ordeal.  Fruit and vegetables are super expensive.  For one thing of organic strawberries it is about $7 dollars and a half a gallon of locally produced milk is about $5.  I have officially entered fat camp.  If I don't come back about 50 lbs lighter, I am not coming back.  I will fake an illness and force an emergency landing in Hawaii and I will never return to the mainland.  I sweat all the time.  Constantly.  Constant glistening.  I am one degree increase away from being miserable, but nothing beats waking up to sunlight, blue skies and palm trees right outside your balcony.

Islanders seem....well.. stand offish.  I don't think they like mainlanders coming here and probably acting like tourists which is basically what we are.  We walked to the marina yesterday and explored some of the cliffs and the ocean and every time we tell someone that is an islander they usually say "thats not a swimming beach...." and kind of look at us like we are complete morons.  I feel judged constantly by the islanders, like everything we do is totally moronic.  When we were at the marina, there were plenty of people coming and going.  A kid was learning to surf, dudes were boogie boarding and kids were climbing bluffs and jumping into the water.  It was an adventure, and isn't that why I am here?

Some of the students are very annoyed that we have a communal space for internet access, but I guess this is forcing me to meet people and go explore the island rather than sitting in my room all day long and watching tv or trolling Facebook.... I don't even like Facebook that much.

I miss Baby Levi like mad, I even brought a framed photo of him.  I will be beyond excited to come back home.  Four months is just long enough to have fun and miss everyone and then come home without being sad because I was away for too long. 
I was informed that Baby Levi has finally relented and now loves Bela Blue again and my mother found them sleeping all curled up together.  Adorable, and I wasn't there too take a unfortunate.

The island has a lot of stray dogs, and I had contacted GAIN (Guam Animals in Need) about volunteering and Joan has said that she will help us pick a day of the week to go volunteer with them and drive us there.  I am very excited about this opportunity.  I am also going to try to get a job with the disability services and help tutor and take notes for students.  You  get paid per hour, not much, but it would be extra cash on hand.

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