Monday, January 21, 2013

Misunderstandings and a Sense of Ownership.

Today we set out on an adventure.  Our adventure was slightly delayed by the need to talk to one's boyfriend, and check Facebook, and check email, and well.. check everything.  We eventually headed out to eat some delicious island Denny's.  I had tapa and eggs with fried rice and someone better make me some tapa upon my arrival, cause damn, that tapa is delicious.

After Denny's, we headed out cliff side and toured the Governor's mansion, apparently the Governor was unavailable and could not join us for our non-commissioned tour.  Today it was windy, and by windy I mean gale force winds.  I am fairly certain that standing on the rock ledges was not a good idea because if one were to slip,  you would die.  There would be certain death.

It rained for the majority of the day, which was fine...the wind was the most frightening part.  I didn't expect to want to climb so many rocks and ledges and stairs, but I did and I did it like a champ.  Examples of the views I experienced by climbing my fat ass up some rocks and stairs that were not attached to the ground:

After using what amounts to "real stairs" to climb up and see this glorious view, we then made our way to a different inlet that had a  tiny little bridge and a rock path that led to a large cliff face that could be climbed using these stairs.

It was only about 6 1/2 feet off the ground, so we used the rock face to free climb up and then walked around on some random concrete structures that happened to be on top. Once on top of the rock, you were about 100 feet up and looking down at the surf breaking on the rocks below. 

 The top picture is the pooled water that locals use as a place to swim and it has a little platform that people can jump off of, the second is the water that rushes the rocks after the waves come in and the third is the rocks and reef that break  the water in between the ocean and the pool.

The best part of the day was going to Umatac Bay and riding the water buffalo.  I don't have any pictures of myself on the water buffalo, but lets just say it was less than classy because I was begging the guy to take me back away from the cliff edge because it was TERRIFYING.
This is how close he brings you to the edge and when you are riding up it looks like it is just a straight drop down.  TERRIFYING.  Here is me hugging the water buffalo.
That was basically my entire afternoon.  I spent the rest of the day trying to convince locals to cook dinner for myself and my dorm mates.  It was not successful at all. 


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