Saturday, January 19, 2013

Questions and Nodding in Agreement.

Today we went to what is called a beach in Guam. It had an enormous cliff and jagged rocks. If you land on those jaded rocks, you will get a puncture wound and it kind of hurts. There is also glass everywhere, I would not recommend not wearing shoes. The locals don't wear shoes because they are tough and impervious to glass shards embedding in their feet.

I was about 60 feet into the surf and made it out past the break so that I was being assaulted by waves and it was awesome. We spent about two hours and then had to walk the mile and a half back to campus. Fat camp has started. 

Alex won't stop talking about fucking spiders and I will kill her in her sleep if it continued.  End quote. 

I won't actually kill Alex but she really does talk about spiders all the time, like the time a spider laid eggs in her leg. She says I'm weird...

Guam has the worlds largest Kmart, not sure why that is, also there is a rumor that they are the proud owners of the worlds largest McDonalds. So yep. 

There are no wild goats here.  The disappointment I feel is earth shattering.

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