Friday, January 25, 2013

I'm on a boat.

I haven't had much fun the last few days because I am not on vacation and I had to go to class.  Apparently you should not miss your first day of class.  I did not.  I made it to all of my classes on time because I am a responsible young woman.

The earliest I have class is at 9:30am, so I woke up early to eat and took my bowl of cereal into the kitchen.  Upon entering said kitchen, I was immediately accosted by the cleaning lady who told me "you go downstairs".  Because yes, I pay to live here and utilize the upstairs kitchen but sure, I will talk ALL of my kitchen items and food downstairs to eat a freaking bowl of cereal that will take me less time to eat than it would to gather all of my crap.  Apparently this cleaning lady refused to let one of the other NSE students onto the second floor to get her belongings so she could go to class.  I will stage a coup against this cleaning lady if she yells at me again.

I went to see the move Mama, and it was scary.  I did not cry, but there was a lot of arm squeezing and frightened screams and jumping.  Alex, ShiAnn, and I were brave though, we made it through the movie with the confidence that is gleaned from eating delicious movie theater candy and the knowledge that beach time awaited us.  Beach time was awesome.  We saw a guy canoeing and the boat was neat so I asked if we could go for a ride and he obliged.  I was on a boat, in the ocean you guys! I small tiny paddle boat made by hand from the guy paddling me out to sea.  I swear I was not afraid because I have been on a boat in the ocean before.  It rained a wee bit, but nothing too bad, but it was a little chilly and windy, and yes, being from Minnesota I understand the irony behind me saying that it is chilly when it is 76 degrees outside.  Don't judge me.

The other day we want to a beach on the Navy base, and it was just this tiny little place that had caves carved out from the water and you could walk between them and go to a different side of the beach. I didn't really take any pictures because I probably would have dropped my phone while trying to take the pictures.  I started my wilderness and adventure education class and someone told me I reminded them of Dina from Jersey Shore, I mean whatever.  I have a better nose than that lady but I am probably as obnoxious and grating as she is.  Less drunk for sure.

If you have read this whole blog, than I shall reward you with photos of me on the ocean and at beaches in warm  tropical weather while the most of you are at home freezing and wishing for deaths cold embrace to leave you the fuck alone.

That concludes the boat story I guess.

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