Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Because, Pandas

About a week ago we went to the Panda Pavilion, a place where I expected all of my panda dreams to come true.  This was not the case.  First I saw two ostriches that were confined in a tiny little paddock with no place to roam around or run and then I heard the wails of a very sad monkey.  At least I ASSUMED he was sad, but he probably was..living in a tiny metal box.  I would be sad too.

The panda's had very lovely living quarters and seemed relatively fat and happy...I guess I just thought they would have more space and more room to roam free even though they are clearly  the laziest animals ever. They don't even like to have sex, not even for its reproductive awesomeness that creates baby pandas for the world to enjoy.  The Panda Pavilion is very proud of their two pandas. They are adorable. You would be proud too.  The Panda Pavilion is in Seak Pai Van Park and it is a strange oasis considering the insane amount of construction that is happening right across the street.  The two pandas that currently live in the Park are named Kai Kai and Xin Xin, the names mean happiness when put together.  A panda in Chinese is a xiong mao and it means bear cat.  Your Chinese lesson of the day!

I really did enjoy my day at the Panda Pavilion and it was mainly the company of the group and our tutors that made the day spectacular.

Pandas prefer their ladies to be classy.

And their gentleman.

I have no idea what this is a picture of.

The walking path into the park.

The park is very pretty.

Because no park is complete without pandas made entirely out of flowers.

He lumbered away as only a bear cat can lumber and proceeded to menacingly eat bamboo in a corner. Clearly happiness is not something this particular panda has a lot of.

Their living quarters look like the world of Walt Disney.

This is all the pandas did.  Eat.  Gluttony.

Maggie and I.  She is one of our tutors and she is wonderful.

Colorful pigeons, swans, flamingos, white and black swans.

A Panda ball.. I must go back for more.  I need my life to be filled with panda balls.

Moon and Cassie.  Behind us you can see the construction of giant buildings that I mentioned earlier.

Extra giant panda to make me look less fat.

Panda love....

Panda butt..

The end of the day with pandas.

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