Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Dolphins...always breaking your heart.

Dolphins,  they are breakers of hearts and ruthless sex bandits set out to destroy everything in their path.  They refuse to follow orders and you feel as though are you languishing in despair when your excited squeals go unanswered, and instead they swim away from the very boat in which you are attempting to seek them in. After a good ten minutes I think the pod finally gave up and felt bad and let us "oooh" and "aaaaah" at them. 

Yes, my child, dolphins in the ocean will NEVER get old. I will love it every single time I see it.  Also, eating on a boat is much more fun than I could have ever imagined, I didn't even get sea sick, but then again, I have sea legs because I very much enjoy the sea.  Or at least boats and water in general.

Just in case you were wondering, I went on the boat with my class, we chartered it and then every one else cooked food and bought food and what have you.  I brought water and tea because I am not capable of making food.  Bringing water is a safe and effective way to keep hot people from not passing out in the hot hot sun.  How bizarre?

Dolphins and weird sunlight glints ruining my video!

Kellie and Andria.  Kellie was super duper, I met her on the day of the boat trip.  Andria was in my PE class, she is also super duper.

Reggie, our instructor for PE, also some guy that was a PE major that I had never met before.

The pod of ruthless dolphins attempting to escape our view.

This one got super close to the boat and continued to tease us.

I look like an amputee!

Snorkling, and of course the moment we turned around to go a giant cloud of hate covered the sun and stayed there. THE ENTIRE TIME.  My photos underwater came out a little dark and grainy because of it and I definitely dove more than 15 feet so I kind of almost ruined my camera.  Much like an NES, apparently all you have to do is blow in it and it makes it work again.  Thanks Kodak.

Just walking on water, no big deal.

Gravity finally paid him a visit.

I am not entirely sure what is happening here, but whatever it is, it happened.  I think they were racing and Andria probably cheated.

Gravity finally kicked in.  I too jumped from the boat and had a photo taken, but it turns out I am fat and do not look good in photos where I am diving.  However, I was complimented on my agility and grace.  Seriously, someone told me I was really good at diving.  I am not making that up.

Coral reef, but umm, you can't really see it.

Fishes!  If you hung out and didn't really move, the school would swarm around you.  A few of them got super close to my face and my feet.

This is my toe and there is a fish right next to it, sup fish?  Diving in salt water is hard because of the buoyancy, but I was able to make over 15 feet down for sure, but I couldn't make it close to the reef with enough air in my lungs to good any good photos.  I saw Pennant coralfish, or maybe it was a Moorish idol, I was too far away to really tell.  It was mainly Damselfish and Angelfish that I saw.  

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

White fishes. Yellow fishes.

How I feel after free diving.  Apparently I am good at this...basically anything with water and not breathing is something I am skilled at..weird.

Don't wear socks and sunbathe.

Some mangroves and what not.

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