Monday, August 6, 2012

The Importance of being an Over Achiever.

The validation of having a 4.0 and a cumulative GPA of 3.87 while having one year left as an undergrad is the best feeling on earth. 

I cannot express in words, how elated I feel when I see an A listed for every single class. I can handle an A-, because it's still an A.  

My dream of graduating Summa Cum Laude is so close I can taste it.  

It isn't about being smart on paper, it's about the level of integrity I bring to every assignment, every ounce of research, every bit of who I am as a sociologist is poured into my work and I want the recognition of knowing I've worked my ass off, sacrificed my time, money, and personal happiness to get there. And it's also about being able to give a big middle finger to everyone who thought I was just some dumb, rich, party girl. 

Not so butt heads! Turns out I'm actually quite articulate and have intelligent thoughts in my tiny feeble brain. 

I feel like Elle Woods, only not quite as happy cause I haven't quite made it ivy league, but just you wait, University of Pennsylvania. I'm coming for you next...after I get into a masters program and graduate from University of South Florida. (not every college dream is an ivy league dream). 

What a good day today. 

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