Thursday, August 2, 2012

My hymen is of great importance

I have at no time, ever considered myself to be a feminist.  The word is disgusting to me.  I want nothing to do with...but I can't deny it.  I am a feminist and will be until the very day I die (a feminist).

For my Readings in Sociology class I had to select a topic, of my choosing and since I had just recently completed a content analysis on the highly disturbing Toddlers & Tiaras, I chose what I  thought what would be an easy topic: Sexualization of adolescent females and heteronormative beauty myths.  I was was a frustrating search in a topic that no one wants to write about, so I decided to just do sexuality in female adolescents.  

I have absolutely no faith left in society after having to endure reading over 300 pages of research and analyze findings, correlate material to other articles, and explain the general douchebaggery that is society towards women.  

If one can not, objectively view society, than one can never live in truth.  To believe that there is equality is disgusting and a total false reality.  I don't ask for a lot in this world, a great pair of shoes, milk, and the company of my dog are about all I need.  Yes milk, not wine.  I do not like wine.  But what I do ask for is respect.  

And none of this, passive aggressive shit either.  Straight up respect.

I do not believe in gender myths, I do not believe in controlling the construction of gender, as I sure as hell DO NOT believe in incarcerating adolescent girls for sexually "immoral" behavior.  Incorrigibility is actually listed as a legal reason for placing girls in juvenile detention centers..really?  But boys get day that because boys are genetically rowdy and it isn't that they are bad, its just that they got CAUGHT being bad?  

How come my hymen would have to undergo a purity test?  Why does my hymen matter to fact, why does anything involving my genitals have to do with you or anyone.  So what if me and my whore pills want to enjoy some sexy time fun, isn't that my business?  And besides if all these ladies are out sexing it up, aren't there at least a quarter of men out there sexing it up?

Also, I am a women, a lady, a female, an adult.  I am not, and have not been for quite some time, a girl.  You can not devalue me as a person and refer to yourself as a man and me as a girl.  I am not sensitive because I am a women, I am sensitive because I value emotion and personal interactions are important to me.  I am not a slut or a whore or a cheap nasty tramp because I enjoy sex.  I enjoy sex because I have sexual organs used for sexual practices.  My vagina is a vagina because that is the biological and medical term for it.  It is not my secret spot, my special place, or a beautiful flower.  It is a goddamn vagina and God gave it to me.  I am free to do with my vagina what I would like.  As a man, you are free to do with your penis as you would like, as long as you and and your penis respect me and the fact that I have a vagina.

My vagina doesn't hold power or position over a man, it does not bargain or barter for anything.

I sound like I'm on my way to vagina monologues.  Well, I'm not.  I'm just finally, finally getting pissed at all of the ridiculous ways men and women act like complete and utter morons over genitalia.  I can't wait for this class to be over so I can go back to fretting about killer whales eating baby sales, Hello Kitty planes, and cooing over how adorable my dog is because babies just don't cut it for me. 

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