Thursday, August 2, 2012

Personal hygiene optional

Trying to spend time with family in between work and school is difficult when you have so much school work to do that you begin to sacrifice even personal hygiene.  I have five months left before I move to Guam.

Currently the most pressing thought on my mind is: How will I get all of my new shoes to Guam?

I suppose when it actually comes to leaving, I probably won't care much for my shoes.  My dog has to stay behind.  I am not ok with that.

I am not ok with leaving behind the one thing in my life that I love more than any person on this earth.

I found out that I am covered under my insurance, turns out the first representative I spoke with (obviously) had no idea that Guam was a U.S. Territory since he listed it in the notes as "international" travel.  I called back just to double check since I encountered the same issue with my renters insurance.  Turns out the guy was wrong and I will be able to use my insurance at an in-network cost, I just have to pay upfront.. so lets hope I don't get malaria or Japanese encephalitis during my excursions throughout southeast Asia.

My dad keeps asking me "when are you leaving for that third world country, again?"  My dad is the most facetious bastard you will ever meet, and I mean that will all the love in the world.  I keep telling him that Guam has a Macy's and is in fact, NOT a third world country, but he will hear none of that.  Hopefully the Macy's in Guam will have a splendid collection of shoes so that I can drown my sorrows in them. 

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