Saturday, June 8, 2013


I am ten days into Insanity and the only day I missed was when I had a horrendous migraine and even the day after I spent the night barfing up my insides I still managed to get my fat ass out of bed and exercise.  I am proud of myself for this.  I have 50 days left! One immediate result that I have noticed is that the muscles in my chest are already starting to get more defined and I have some crazy deltoid muscles starting to emerge.  I can also see more definition in my calves but I still have gross thighs.. sigh.  My thighs need some definite work, but that is ok because I am working on it.  After the beach we needed some chow and we went to Wendy's, and I made a smart choice! I had a grilled chicken breast wrap, but I didn't eat the flour tortilla because I can't. I had a small value fry and a small frosty.  Can't NOT have a frosty, I mean really.  I still have to do Insanity tonight at some point, even if I did spend two hours at the beach.

I'm feeling pretty good about myself and to make myself feel even better, I looked at old pictures of myself when I was not so fat, so at least I know it is possible for me to not be fat since I wasn't always a fatty marshmallow.

Today I was attacked by a fish.  A monstrous fish hell bent on tasting human flesh.  I swear on all the adorable things in this world, that this fish was out for blood and on top of that, I was tag teamed.  It was a duo of fearsome sea creatures. It was terrifying, I came scrambling to the surface, screaming, next to a normal person and his normal daughter.  My excuse was "I'm not from around here."  Even the man's male son heard me yelping in fear and asked me what I was crying about.  NOTHING SMALL CHILD. LEAVE ME ALONE TO WALLOW IN MY SHAME AND EMBARRASSMENT.

This was the picture I snapped as I was surfacing.  Look at those eyes; emotionless.

And here is some video of fishes.

Lauren and I went to the beach with our friend Dominic.  It was fun, we swam a lot and ate some food and I laid in on the beach and got my tan on because, why not?!


In other "I'm fat" news, my chest is starting to look good, whats up deltoids! 

Lauren apparently does not want to have her picture taken at this moment.  She is weird and secretly hilarious, you just have to force the hilarity out of her.

Here is an enormous amount of photos of fish because I like to spend an enormous amount of time underwater.

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