Saturday, March 30, 2013

Rock Island.

I went to karaoke and as always, I embarrassed myself, because that is what I am most excellent at doing.
Choice quotes from the evening: A lady never sweats.  
I can't think or remember any other choice quotes from the evening.  I may have been too intoxicated and just didn't realize it.

I should not be allowed to drink vodka redbulls.  I am fairly certain I now have an irregular heartbeat.

 I get way into my karaoke even though I am the worst singer ever.  All the other ladies are fantastic singers and I sounded ike a wounded water buffalo..I've never actually heard one before, but I'm assuming my singing voice is similar to the sound a water buffalo would make while in pain.

There is video, but I have not yet been privy to the audio/visual portion of the evening.  


Friday, March 29, 2013

Spring break Guam style.

So, my spring break hasn't been what I expected.  I chose to stay back because of some extenuating circumstances beyond my control...which are still having an effect on me, but I refuse to let it interfere with the awesome that is Guam in the spring.

I spent a Sunday at church..yes...judge away judgers.  I actually enjoyed myself.  I went to Ypao Beach and learned how to paddle board and gracefully fall into the water.  Minus the graceful part.  Met some awesome people and then ended up at Yogurt Land, which somehow lead to midnight ocean swims and Kmart at midnight to eat pizza.  Guam has the worlds largest Kmart, its a fact.  Japanese tourists love that place...also Japanese tourists are the nicest people ever.

I'm still waiting on pictures from paddle boarding where you can actually see me paddle boarding and looking like a complete dork.

We ate so much food at Sakura, this is what occurred before the midnight swimming.  No pictures of midnight ocean swimming, but it was lovely.

This was the best gelato I have ever had. Period.

This is a fish that leaves in the ocean.  I have no idea what it is, but just look at it and try not to smile.  I am not even sure what I am trying to write at this point..just whatever.  My spring break has probably been more awesome than yours.  That is all.