I was told that I was clearly at the top of the list for the job but when the spot becomes open again they have to open it up to the public as well, which I understand. I just really don't want to have to look for a new job because I really loved the job and I definitely want to go back to it if at all possible.
I have been cold since they day I returned from Guam...not that I want to experience China heat because that was the worst, but being warm would be nice to experience before having to deal with winter. The group that I went to Guam with ended up on the University of Guam's Undergraduate Catalog. I'm not even a student there anymore. Kind of neat though, it was a great trip and I am so glad that I was able to have the opportunity to go.
I was able to go to the cities and see my niece for her third birthday and that was exciting, her birthdays are always fun and I like seeing my family too, no photos though because we have a pretty strict policy on not posting photos of small children in our family on the internet. As far as I know there is no policy regarding my posting of this:
Went back to Fargo for just a few days to bring back my clothes and all the junk I brought home with me before I left. I can't believe how much I had to bring home, I locked up my place a couple weeks before I left so I had to bring a lot of my stuff home so I had stuff while I was at my parents. I called Ali when I was home and she came over and we made some gluten free homemade pizza and cleaned up my place and threw out a lot of crap I was just hanging onto. I also decided at some point to use the bathroom because that is what people have to do after drinking water and fluids and stuff..and my toilet was moldy. Not just like a spot, but the entire seat was covered in mold and the bowl had mold in it as well. What a lovely welcome home from my apartment. A little bleach took care of that.
Baby Levi keeping a watchful eye on the oven
Friends..what are they good for?
Thanks Empire, this is much classier than the carving that says "Shave that Bearded Clam!"
Went to Battle Lake to see one of my favorite professors and spend the day with her and a friend of mine. This photo succinctly sums up the entire day:
We ate at Zorbaz in Otter Tail and discussed the disgusting and sexist hiring "policy" that appears to be in place. None of the servers appear to be over 18 and it is very homogenous in appearance...mildly creepy. I would love to see the hiring requirements. Went to the Zorbaz on the lake in Alexandria and it was exactly the same....so I guess a career in waitressing is not an option for me.
I haven't really done much since I have had an incredibly short summer since I was in China and Guam. I was able to get to the Douglas County Fair which is an annual summer tradition in which Becky and I lose money playing bingo and violently barf for the remainder of the evening after eating deep fried food and pounds of cheese curds.
Oh, and goats:
The county fair is always an excellent time.
Living on the edge of a double rainbow of happiness here on the farm...
Working on a project:
Not finished yet, still have to paint the inside cream and highlight the etchings on the front. Should be pretty good looking by the time I'm all done. Just have to finish it. Finishing up the windows and getting a new living room set and I'll be all done with everything in my new place...weird that it is still basically new since I haven't lived there for 7 months.
Cake mix from Baby Levi's birthday cupcake.
It's been a relaxing last few weeks, now I just have one more week left before school starts and I am excited but also bummed. I spent almost all of my summer being awesome on Guam instead of being awesome in Fargo with my friends. But you can't beat this:
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