I am, by all accounts, not a sentimental person. I am not the person that gives small tokens or gifts, or even cards. It is not because I am selfish, it is simply because I am not wired that way. Sentiments are lost on me at times and sometimes I wonder if maybe I do have Asperger's..it would definitely explain a lot of the awkwardness that occurs in my life but it would not account for the love that I truly feel for people or the emotions that I do have that on some occasions actually happen.
I am a private person, but I am willing to tell my stories if people ask or are interested.
I am willing to get to know others, but I would rather observe the world around me than really be a part of it.
I am better at watching than participating.
I left so much of my private world behind when I chose to come to Guam and I was thrown into a world that did not agree with me and I struggled enormously with the repercussions of what happens when I do not have privacy, or the peace that my mind needs. After a couple of months that could only be described as the absolute worst that I have ever endured, I made the decision to go to China to study Mandarin and learn about Chinese culture. It was an exploration of my confidence and my ability to be surrounding by people I barely knew and have all of my peace taken away from me. I am not good with people. I am easily irritated, annoyed, and selfish to the point of abandoning the purpose of what is to be done. I suppose I did make some memories, ones that will always be important to me.
My certificate...not sure that I completed the class so much on my own, ha.
The lunch that we got after receiving our certificates.. delicious, as Chinese food so often is.
A photo of Eric taking a photo of us, ha.
My two amazing tutors who told me I just need to have confidence in my ability to learn a new language.
Shane and I with our tutors...Shane was a fantastic partner and way more advanced than I was at Chinese.
Cassie, as adorable as ever.
Dr. Sun who so kindly invited us into his home and made us a wonderful dinner of dumplings and chicken.
Happy times!
Daisy! She thought I was 19, I love her so much for that... she said it was my spirit, so bubbly and happy.
Joanna, such a wonderful person and so sad. No more tears Joanna, we will all meet again!
My Maggie, such a wonderful and amazing person. I will miss her so much!
Beep! Beep!
We gave them I love Guam passport covers, and they were sparkly and pink..so of course we had to give on to him..ha.
Stop being so skinny and then maybe the shirt would fit.
So serious.
The Wolf Pack.
Hanging out in the Hong Kong airport....for five or so hours.
Eric and I found the Hong Kong Disneyland Store in the airport and they had a Golden Mickey display.. yay!
I realized a lot on this trip, that despite my increasing insecurities about myself, my body, and my age, I am happy and it is truly important to me to make other people around me happy at all times. I also crave peace and privacy. In fact, I demand it..my body and my mind need it so much that I easily get lost in every day activities when I don't have the ability to get lost in my own world when I am alone.
I also learned a handful of important things while in China:
Men WILL shove you into garbage cans, push you with their briefcases, and generally have no remorse for their shoving you into inanimate objects in their quest to get on the ferry, the subway, or moving about in Disneyland.
Small children will also shove you down stairwells if you don't speed it up.
Old ladies will also demand that you move quickly by pushing you out of their way with their umbrella.
Don't EVER leave home without an umbrella. EVER.
It is really hot in China and then it rains, and it is still hot.
People are really nice when you have a chance to speak to them.
Do NOT smile at the customs agents.
If you ask what is good on a menu, they will tell you "Everything."
The food is delicious.
Street markets are super fun.
Speak Chinese and make your life a whole lot easier.
Mostly everything is super shiny and bright unless you are in the mountains or at a street market.
Pandas are a national treasure and deserve to be treated as such. Love the pandas and they will love you back.
So. Clean. Even in the street markets and the alleys, so clean. They even have trash receptacles for doggy waste. People in Macau and Hong Kong LOVE their dogs...I approve.
There wasn't a whole lot of culture shock..I mean I guess I don't really know what culture shock is. I'm a fairly reasonable human being who understands that there is a world outside of the USA! USA! USA! but I will not get over the pushing and shoving, but you get that in New York, which is probably why I don't like New York. Busy, busy, busy-ness isn't exactly my cup of tea. I like to move slowly...as slowly as possible and in light to moderate heat.
Like the title says, a goodbye is never painful unless you're never going to say hello again. There is never any good when one has to say goodbye, but we will all have the memories of what we left behind in China. I may not have given sentiments of my gratitude, but what I can give to you are the words of my gratitude and the lasting impression that you have all made on me.