There is something horribly wrong when a man..when anyone says something this asinine in a public and political forum and actually believes that what they are saying is correct or true. The mere fact that this guy thinks its possible for women to just shut down their reproductive organs is pathetic.
I never bothered with caring what politicians were saying about women, or how politics even impacted my life as a women, but I think now, more than any other time it is vital that women get angry. Not just angry, but REALLY FUCKING angry. Women and men shouldn't just be angry about these constant attacks on women's health, but we should also be angry with how women themselves allow these disgusting double standards to continue.
Women consistently play into sexual double standards and proudly and loudly proclaim other women who they perceive as being at fault, as sluts, whores, trashy and so forth. It is NOT ok for other women to project these identities onto other women. Shaming rape victims and sexual assault victims is a deplorable action and under no circumstance should it ever happen.
I don't even know what else to say about this because it makes me so angry.